Thank you for your interest in air cadets! 778 Banshee Squadron is an exciting youth organization that provides young people with the necessary skills to prepare them for the transition to adulthood. Members of 778 Banshee Squadron have the opportunity to build self-confidence through encouragement and hands-on leadership training. Whether earning a pilot’s license or traveling abroad to another country on an exchange visit, there is plenty of opportunity our cadets can earn reward for hard work and self-discipline. Our program develops the characteristics of citizenship by encouraging our members to volunteer and participate in numerous community events. Our cadets easily surpass the minimum volunteer hours required to graduate high school.
With a wide variety of learning opportunities, cadets gain knowledge in subjects such as aviation, effective speaking, field survival, physical fitness, leadership, music, instructional technique, and more. Cadets will apply their knowledge in practical situations such as leading a small group to accomplish a task, building a shelter to survive, teaching a class, or organizing team sports. With an emphasis on teamwork, cadets learn to work together to accomplish their goals. This naturally earns them mutual respect and lifelong friendships.
Membership Information
Age Requirement: 12 years or older
Regular training night: Tuesdays 6:30pm – 9:30pm
Location: Richmond Green Secondary School (1 William F. Bell Parkway)
Please see Recruiting page for more information.
Contact Information
Headquarters phone: TBC
778 Banshee Squadron
Royal Canadian Air Cadets
8-9251 Yonge Street, Suite 407
Richmond Hill ON L4C 9T3
(This is a mailing address only)